Publications authored by CRES Staff
Year | Authors | Title – Click to download Abstract | Keywords |
2024 | Yong-Yi Wang, Dan Jia, Banglin Liu, Dave Warman | Responses of Pipelines Impacted by Geohazards and Effective Integrity Management Strategies | AIM-CI-2024-119506, pipelines, geohazards, integrity management |
2023 | Dave Warman, Dan Jia, Yong-Yi Wang, Michael Bongiovi, Chad Destigter | Room Temperature Time Dependent Creep Behavior of Low Frequency ERW Pipe Seams and Implications on Managing Pressure Reversals in Hydrostatic Tests, | PPIM 2023, vintage pipeline, low frequency ERW, cold weld, hook crack, pressure reversal, creep |
2022 | Yong-Yi Wang, Dan Jia | Managing Standards with Evolving Industry Practice – Lessons Learned from Girth Weld Failures in Newly Constructed Pipelines | TFAP 2022; Pipeline, standards, new and ageing pipelines, girth weld failures |
2022 | Yong-Yi Wang, Brian Leis, Steve Rapp, Gary Vervake | Understanding Principal Drivers to Burst Pressure and Local Deformation of Pipes with SCC Colonies | IPC2022-87338; SCC, burst pressure prediction, burst pressure models, flaw interaction rules, bulge at SCC, effects of longitudinal/axial loads |
2022 | Yong-Yi Wang, Bo Wang, Banglin Liu | Burst Pressure Prediction of Pipes with SCC Using Intelligent Flaw Interaction Rules | PPIM 2022; stress-corrosion cracking, burst pressure prediction, flaw interaction rules, SCC cluster, burst tests |
2022 | Yong-Yi Wang, Banglin Liu, Patrick Fleck | Strain-Based Design and Assessment of New and Ageing Pipelines | TFAP 2022, Pipeline, integrity, strain-based design and assessment, strain-based assessment, strain demand, strain capacity, tensile strain models, geohazard |
2022 | Marie Quintana, Sam Phillips, Dan Jia, Jiawei Wang, Yong-Yi Wang | Self-Shielded Flux-Cored Arc Welding – Practical Approaches for Improved Performance of Girth Welds in High-Strength Pipelines | IPC2022-87290; FCAW-S, SMAW, pipeline girth welds, weld toughness, welding practices, HAZ softening, strength mismatch |
2022 | Ishikawa, N., Sakimoto, T., Shimamura, J., Wang, J., and Wang, Y.-Y. | Integrity Assessment of Linepipes for Transporting High Pressure Hydrogen Based on ASME B31.12 | IPC2022-87180, High pressure gaseous hydrogen; linepipe steel; fatigue crack growth; fracture toughness; FAD analysis |
2022 | Dave Warman, Dan Jia, Yong-Yi Wang, Bongiovi Michael, Stigter C | Measurement of Flaw Growth in Electric Resistance Welded Pipe Seams from Multiple Pressure Tests and Hold Time and Implications on Managing Pressure Reversals in Hydrostatic Tests | IPC2022-87067, vintage pipeline, low frequency ERW, cold weld, hook crack, pressure reversal, time dependent creep |
2022 | Brian Leis, Yong-Yi Wang, Amin Eshraghi, Steve Rapp, Gary Vervake | The Practical Benefits of Detailed Forensic Analysis | IPC2022-87028, SCC, hydrotest, forensic analysis, predictive technology, cracking speed, mitigate, dormancy. |
2022 | Banglin Liu, Yong-Yi Wang, and Xiaotong Chen | Application of Strain Based Assessment in Support of Operational and Mitigation Decisions | IPC2022-87337, Geohazards, ground movements, strain-based assessment, SBA, fitness-for-service assessment, strain demand, strain capacity |
2020 | Yong-Yi Wang, Dunji Yu | Structured Response Plan after a Ground Movement Event | Geohazards, Landslides, Settlement, Emergency response plan, Integrity management, Fitness-for-service assessment, Strain-based assessment |
2020 | Yong-Yi Wang, Dan Jia | Improved Linepipe Specifications and Welding Practice for Resilient Pipelines | Girth weld incident, Strain capacity, Linepipe specifications, HAZ softening, Girth welding, Welding procedure qualification |
2020 | Yong-Yi Wang | Management of Ground Movement Hazards – an Overview of a JIP | Geohazards, Landslides, Settlement, Integrity management, Fitness-for-service assessment, Strain-based assessment, Strain demand, Strain capacity |
2020 | Jiawei Wang, Yong-Yi Wang | Development of Lifting and Lowering-in Plan for the Control of Construction Stresses | Pipe laying, Lifting and lowering-in, Construction stress, Stress analysis, Lifting and lowering-in plan |
2020 | Dunji Yu, Yong-Yi Wang, Xiaotong Chen, Banglin Liu | A Review of Pipe-soil Interaction Models for Strain Demand Estimation | Pipe-soil interaction, Strain demand, Geohazard |
2020 | Dan Jia, Yong-Yi Wang | Material Properties and Flaw Characteristics of Vintage Girth Welds | Vintage pipeline, Girth weld, Material properties, Weld flaws, Non-destructive testing |
2020 | Bo Wang, Banglin Liu, Yong-Yi Wang, Alex Wang | Burst Pressure Prediction of Pipes With SCC Colonies – Development of Intelligent Flaw Interaction Rules | Stress-corrosion cracking, Flaw interaction rules, Burst pressure prediction, Crack cluster |
2020 | Bo Wang, Banglin Liu, Yong-Yi Wang, Alex Wang | Burst Pressure Prediction of Pipes With SCC Colonies – Evaluation of Intelligent Flaw Interaction Rules Using Full-Scale Burst Tests | Stress-corrosion cracking, Flaw interaction rules, Burst pressure prediction, Crack cluster, Burst tests |
2020 | Bo Wang, Banglin Liu, Yong-Yi Wang | Estimation of Tensile Strain Capacity of Vintage Girth Welds | Engineering assessments, Integrity management, Properties of girth welds, Strain based design, Tensile strain capacity, Vintage pipelines |
2020 | Banglin Liu, Yong-Yi Wang, Xiaotong Chen | Effects of Biaxial Loading on the Tensile Strain Capacity of Girth Welds with Weld Strength Undermatching and HAZ Softening | Engineering assessments, HAZ softening, Integrity management, Properties of girth welds, Strain based design, Tensile strain capacity, Weld qualification |
2020 | Banglin Liu, Yong-Yi Wang, Dan Jia | Rational Limits of High-low Misalignment in Girth Welds | Construction, Engineering assessments, Flaw acceptance criteria, High-low misalignment |
2019 | Yong-Yi Wang, Dan Jia, Jiawei Wang, Aditya Dekhane | Application of Essential Welding Variable Methodology in Addressing Low Girth Weld Strain Capacity Issues and Path to Standard Revision | Girth welding procedure qualification, Essential variables, Girth weld strain capacity, HAZ softening, Standard revision |
2019 | Yong-Yi Wang, Dan Jia | Integrated Hazards Management and Fitness-for-service Assessment for Integrity Management of Pipelines Subjected to Geohazards | Linepipe, Modern microalloyed steels, Strain hardening, Hardenability, HAZ softening, Girth weld failures, Strain capacity |
2019 | Yong-Yi Wang, Dan Jia | Low Strain Capacity Girth Welds in Newly Constructed Pipelines and Their Implications in Integrity Management | Linepipe, Modern microalloyed steels, Girth weld incident, Girth welding, HAZ softening, Weld strength undermatching, Strain capacity, Standards revision, Systematic approach |
2019 | Yong-Yi Wang, Dan Jia | Low Strain Capacity Girth Welds of Newly Constructed Pipelines and Mitigative Approaches | Linepipe, Modern microalloyed steels, Girth weld incident girth welding, HAZ softening, Weld strength undermatching, Strain capacity, Standards revision, Systematic approach |
2019 | Yong-Yi Wang, Bo Wang, Banglin Liu, Dan Jia | Strain Capacity of Vintage Girth Welds and Integrity Management Process | Vintage pipelines, Girth weld strain capacity, Integrity management |
2019 | Yong-Yi Wang, Banglin Liu, Bo Wang | Tensile Strain Models and Their Applications | Pipeline, Strain-based design and assessment (SBDA), Tensile strain models, Applications of SBDA |
2019 | Yong-Yi Wang | Strain-Based Design and Assessment – Concepts and Gaps | Strain-based design, Strain-based assessment, Strain demand, Tensile strain capacity, Compressive strain capacity, Loading modes, Failure modes under tension, Gaps in SBDA |
2018 | Yong-Yi Wang | Low Strain Capacity of X70 Pipeline Girth Welds and its Implications on Linepipe Steels | Linepipe properties, Strain hardening, Hardenability, Girth weld, HAZ softening, Strain capacity |
2018 | Yong-Yi Wang | Attributes of Modern Linepipes and Their Implications on Girth Weld Strain Capacity | Linepipe, modern microalloyed steels, strain hardening, hardenability, HAZ softening, girth weld failures, strain capacity |
2018 | Honggang Zhou, Yong-Yi Wang | Burst Pressure of Wrinkles under High Longitudinal Strain | Winkles, Burst pressure, High longitudinal strain, Biaxial loading conditions |
2018 | Honggang Zhou, Yong-Yi Wang | Burst Pressure of Pipelines with Corrosion Anomalies under High Longitudinal Strains | Corrosion, High longitudinal compressive strains, Burst pressure, Assessment guidelines |
2018 | Honggang Zhou, Yong-Yi Wang | Tensile and Compressive Strain Capacity in the Presence of Corrosion Anomalies | Strain-based design and assessment, Corrosion, TSC, CSC, Assessment guidelines |
2018 | Bo Wang, Yong-Yi Wang | Assessment of Dents under High Longitudinal Strain | Plain dent, CSC, Guidelines, CSC assessment |
2017 | Yong-Yi Wang, Kunal Kotian, Dan Jia, Alex Wang | Essential Welding Variable Methodology for the Welding of Modern Control-Rolled Microalloyed Linepipes | Girth welding procedure qualification, Essential variables, Cooling rate, Girth welding thermal analysis |
2017 | Yong-Yi Wang, Bo Wang, Banglin Liu | Implications of Linepipe Steels with Low Strain Hardening and HAZ Softening on Design, Construction, and Maintenance | Linepipe properties, Strain hardening, Assessment of corrosion, Field cold-bends, Welding, HAZ softening, Strain capacity |
2016 | Yong-Yi Wang | Longitudinal Stress Limits in Managing Spans and Other Longitudinal Loads | Pipeline integrity, Longitudinal stress limits, Spans, Girth weld integrity |
2016 | Yong-Yi Wang | Evolution of Linepipe Manufacturing and its Implications on Weld Properties and Pipeline Service | Linepipe, Modern microalloyed steels, Vintage pipelines, Girth weld, HAZ softening, Strain capacity |
2016 | Yong-Yi Wang | Integrity Management of Ground Movement Hazards | Ground movement, Geohazards, Integrity management, Fitness-for-service assessment, Strain-based design and assessment |
2016 | Ming Liu, Yong-Yi Wang | Integrity Assessment of Post-Peak-Moment Wrinkles | Pipeline integrity, Post-peak-moment wrinkles, Leak, Rupture, Fatigue life |
2016 | Kunal Kotian, Yong-Yi Wang | Material Properties and Flaw Characteristics of Vintage Girth Welds | Vintage pipeline, Girth weld, Non-destructive testing, Weld flaw, Material properties, Apparent toughness, CTODA |
2016 | Aditya Dekhane, Alex Wang, Yong-Yi Wang | Application of Thermal Analysis Tool for Girth Welding Procedure Qualification | Welding, Thermal analysis, EWVM |
2015 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu, Aditya Dekhane | Integrity Management of Pipelines Subjected to Ground Movement Hazards | Ground movement hazards, Strain-based assessment, Fitness-for-service assessment, In-service pipelines |
2015 | Yong-Yi Wang, Aditya Dekhane | Essential Welding Variable Methodology and its Application | Welding, EWVM, Welding procedure |
2015 | Ming Liu, Cody Degen, Yong-Yi Wang | Multi-scale ductile fracture modeling for dual-phase high strength steel – Part 1: characterization of dual-phase high strength steel for improved toughness and deformability | Bainite, MA, Dual-phase steel, Stress-strain curve, Y/T ratio, Charpy absorbed energy, Ductile crack initiation, Void nucleation and growth |
2015 | Ming Liu, Cody Degen, Yong-Yi Wang | Multi-scale ductile fracture modeling for dual-phase high strength steel – Part 2: damage mechanics analysis of Charpy impact toughness of dual-phase high strength steel | Bainite, MA, Dual-phase steel, Stress-strain curve, Y/T ratio, Charpy energy, Ductile crack initiation, Void nucleation and growth, Damage mechanics, Finite element analysis, GTN models |
2014 | Yong-Yi Wang, Yaoshan Chen | Enhancing Tensile Strain Capacity Through the Optimization of Weld Profiles | Pipeline, Strain-based design and assessment (SBDA), Girth weld integrity, Tensile strain capacity |
2014 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | General framework for Strain-Based Design and Assessment of Pipelines | Pipeline integrity, Strain-based design and assessment (SBDA), Strain demand, Strain capacity |
2014 | Yong-Yi Wang, Kunal Kotian | Effects of High-Low Misalignment on Girth Weld Integrity | Girth weld, High-low misalignment, Load capacity, Strain capacity, Weld strength mismatch |
2014 | Yong-Yi Wang | Guidelines for interpretation and application of API standard 1104 | Guidelines for interpretation, Codes and standards, API Standard 1104 |
2014 | Yong-Yi Wang | Curved-Wide Plate Testing of X100 Girth Welds | Curved wide plate tests, Test protocols, X100, Girth welds |
2014 | Yaoshan Chen, Yong-Yi Wang | The Essential Welding Variable Approach and its Application to the Welding of X80 Line Pipe Steels | X80, Welding, Pipeline, Essential welding variables, Welding procedure development |
2014 | Yaoshan Chen, Ming Liu | Comparative Integrity Evaluation of Counterbore-Tapered and Back-Beveled Weld Joints | Transition weld, Pipeline integrity, Back-bevel, Counterbore tapered |
2014 | Yaoshan Chen | The Essential Welding Variable Methodology and Its Application in Welding Procedure Development for Mechanized Girth Welds of X100 Line Pipes | X100, welding, Pipeline, Essential welding variables, Welding procedure development |
2014 | Yaoshan Chen | Summary of An ASME/DOT Project on Measurements of Fatigue Crack Growth Rate of Pipeline Steels in Gaseous Hydrogen | |
2014 | Ming Liu, Fan Zhang, Kunal Kotian | Refined Modeling Processes and Compressive Strain Capacity Models | Pipeline, Strain-based design, SBD, Compressive strain capacity, Compressive strain limit, Buckling, Wrinkle |
2014 | Honggang Zhou, Ming Liu, Yong-Yi Wang | Considerations on the Use of the Pneumatic Hammer for HDD Pull-Back Assistance | Pipeline, Trenchless construction, HDD, Ramming, Impact, Stress wave |
2014 | Fan Zhang, Yong-Yi Wang | Assessing the Seismic Wave Influence on Buried Pipelines with ASCE Soil-Spring Model | Seismic Wave, ASCE Soil-Spring Models, Buried Pipeline |
2014 | Fan Zhang, Ming Liu, Yong-Yi Wang | Pipeline Integrity Analyses for Construction in Mountainous Areas | Pipeline Construction, Stress Demand, Tie-in Welding, Hydrostatic Testing, Ratcheting, Upheaval buckling |
2014 | Fan Zhang, Ming Liu, Yong-Yi Wang | Stress Analysis of Lifting and Lowering-In Process | Pipeline, Construction, Lifting and lowering-in, Stress, Finite element analysis |
2014 | Fan Zhang, Ming Liu, Kunal Kotian | Application of compressive strain capacity models to multiple grades of pipelines | Pipeline, Strain-based design, SBD, Compressive strain capacity, Compressive strain limit, Buckling, Wrinkle |
2013 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu, Fan Zhang | Refined Compressive Strain Capacity Models | Pipeline, Strain-based design and assessment, Compressive strain capacity models |
2013 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Real World Considerations for Strain-Based Design and Assessment | Pipeline, Strain-based design and assessment |
2013 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Status and Applications of Tensile Strain Capacity Models | Pipeline, Strain-based design and assessment (SBDA), Tensile strain models, Applications of SBDA |
2013 | Yong-Yi Wang, Honggang Zhou, Ming Liu | Methodology for the Assessment of Girth Weld High-Low Misalignment | Girth weld, High-low misalignment, Load capacity, Strain capacity, Weld strength mismatch |
2013 | Yong-Yi Wang | Assessment of Vintage Girth Welds and Challenges to ILI Tools | Pipeline, Integrity management, Vintage girth weld, Fitness-for-service, In-line inspection, ILI tools |
2012 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu, Fan Zhang | Multi-Tier Tensile Strain Models for Strain-Based Design Part 1 – Fundamental Basis | Pipeline, Strain-based design, Girth weld integrity |
2012 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Recommended ITP for The Quality Assurance of Skelp-End Welds in Spiral Pipes | Pipeline construction, Linepipe specification, Spiral pipe, Skelp-end weld |
2012 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Fitness-For-Service Analysis of Skelp-End Welds in Spiral Pipes | Fitness for Service, Skelp-End Weld, Spiral Pipe |
2012 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Tensile Strain Capacity of Spiral Pipes | Strain-based design, Tensile strain capacity, Spiral pipe |
2012 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Multi-Tier Tensile Strain Models for Strain-Based Design Part 2 – Development and Formulation of Tensile Strain Capacity Models | Strain-based design, Tensile strain capacity, Tensile strain models, Crack driving force, Crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) |
2012 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Multi-Tier Tensile Strain Models for Strain-Based Design Part 3 – Model Evaluation Against Experimental Data | Strain-based design, Tensile strain capacity, Full-scale test, Curved wide plate test, TSC model evaluation |
2012 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Tensile Strain Models for Strain-Based Design of Pipelines | Pipeline, Strain-based design, Girth weld, Toughness, Tensile strain design |
2012 | Yong-Yi Wang, Fan Zhang, Ming Liu | Tensile Strain Capacity of X80 and X100 Welds | Pipeline, Strain-based design, SBD, Tensile strain capacity, Tensile strain limit, Fracture mechanics, Ductile fracture |
2012 | Fan Zhang, Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Integrity of Pipeline In Area Of Mine Subsidence | Strain Based Design, Strain Capacity, Pipeline Integrity |
2012 | Fan Zhang, Honggang Zhou, Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Strain Demand in Areas of Mine Subsidence | Strain Based Design, J Resistance Curve, CWP |
2011 | Yong-Yi Wang, Yaoshan Chen | High Integrity Welding of High Strength Steel Pipelines | Pipeline, Girth welding, Strength, Toughness |
2011 | Yong-Yi Wang, Yaoshan Chen | Welding and Weld Integrity Assessment of High Strength Steel Pipelines | High strength steel pipeline, X100, Welding, Weld properties, Weld integrity |
2011 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Strain-Based Design of Pipelines | Strain-based design, Tensile strain capacity, High strength pipelines, Fracture mechanics |
2010 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Enhanced Apparent Toughness Approach to Tensile Strain Design | Pipeline, Girth weld, Strain-based design, Tensile strain capacity, Apparent toughness, Tearing resistance curve |
2010 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Considerations of Linepipe and Girth Weld Tensile Properties for Strain-Based Design of Pipelines | Pipeline construction, Linepipe specification, Strain-based design, Tensile property, Girth weld strength |
2010 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Perspectives of Girth Weld Tensile Strain Response | Pipeline, Strain-based design, Tensile strain capacity, Girth weld |
2010 | Yong-Yi Wang | Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Weld Metal and HAZ Regions in X100 Single and Dual Torch Girth Welds | Pipeline, High-strength steel, Girth weld, Microstructure, Tensile property, Weld metal, HAZ |
2010 | Yong-Yi Wang | Toughness Considerations for Strain-Based Design | Pipeline, Strain-based design, Girth weld, Toughness, Constraint effects |
2010 | Yong-Yi Wang | Large Scale Experimental Data for Improved Strain-Based Design Models | Pipeline, Strain-based design, Curved-wide plate, Full-scale test, Tensile strain capacity |
2010 | Yong-Yi Wang | SE(T) Testing of Pipeline Welds | Pipeline welds, SE(T), Low-constraint testing, Resistance curve, Toughness transition |
2010 | Yong-Yi Wang | Effect of Strain Ageing on Yield Strength and Post Yield Behavior of FCAW-G Ferritic Weld Metal | Weld metal, strain ageing, Charpy energy, weld strength |
2010 | Yaoshan Chen, Yong-Yi Wang | Simulation of Microstructure Evolution and Its Experimental Verifications for Girth Welds in High-Strength Pipelines | Pipeline, Girth weld, P-GMAW, Hardness microstructure |
2010 | Yaoshan Chen, Yong-Yi Wang | Thermal Simulation and its Experimental Verifications for Girth Welds in High-Strength Pipelines | Heat transfer, GMAW, Girth weld, High-strength steels |
2010 | Bo Wang, Yong-Yi Wang | Fatigue Pre-Cracking Curved Wide Plates in Bending | Pipeline, Curved wide plate, Large-scale testing, Surface notch, Fatigue pre-cracking |
2009 | Yong-Yi Wang, Yaoshan Chen | Welding and Weld Integrity Assessment of High Strength Steel Pipelines | GMAW, Heat transfer, Microstructure, Girth weld, High-strength steel |
2009 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Recent Development in Strain-Based Design in North America | Strain-based design, Tensile strain capacity, Fracture mechanics, Ductile fracture, Pipeline |
2009 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Recent Developments in the Strain-Based Design of Pipelines | Pipeline, Strain-based design, Welding, Girth weld, Experimental test |
2009 | Yong-Yi Wang | An Experimental Basis for Improved Strain-based Design Models | Pipeline, Girth welds, Strain capacity, Strain-based design, Large-scale test, Curved wide plate test, Biaxial loading |
2009 | Yaoshan Chen, Yong-Yi Wang | Thermal and Microstructure Analysis Software for GMAW Girth Welds of High Strength Pipelines | GMAW, Heat transfer, Microstructure, Girth weld, High-strength steel |
2008 | Yong-Yi Wang, Yaoshan Chen | Numerical Simulation of Weld Thermal History for Pulsed GMAW Process | P-GMAW, Narrow groove, Heat transfer, Girth weld, Pipeline |
2008 | Yong-Yi Wang, Yaoshan Chen | Modeling and CMOD Mapping of Surface-Craked Wide Plates | Pipeline, Tensile strain capacity, Wide plate test, Test procedure |
2008 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Stress Analysis of Pipe Lowering-In Process During Construction | Pipeline construction, Girth weld, ECA, Stress analysis, Sideboom, Lift capacity |
2008 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Response of Pipelines under Fault Crossing | Strain-based design, Strain demands, Fault crossing, Seismic design, Finite element |
2008 | Yong-Yi Wang | Preliminary Analysis of Tensile Strain Capacity of Full-Scale Pipe Tests with Internal Pressure | Strain-based design, Tensile strain capacity, Fracture mechanics, Ductile fracture, Pipeline |
2008 | Yong-Yi Wang | Anisotropic Behavior of X100 Pipeline Steel | Anisotropy, Anisotropic Ratio, Pipeline, UOE, X100 |
2008 | Yaoshan Chen, Yong-Yi Wang | Thermal and Microstructure Simulation of High Strength Pipeline Girth Welds | GMAW, Narrow groove, Heat transfer, Microstructure, Cooling time, Hardness, Finite element analysis |
2008 | Yaoshan Chen, Yong-Yi Wang | Thermal Modeling of Gas Metal Arc Girth Weld with Narrow Groove | GMAW, Narrow groove, Heat transfer, Microstructure, Cooling time, Hardness, Finite element analysis |
2008 | Ming Liu, Yong-Yi Wang | Weld Integrity of High Strength Pipelines: From Construction to in-Service Large Displacement Loading | Pipeline, Integrity, Construction, In-service loading, Ground movement |
2008 | Bo Wang | A modified 4-point bend delamination test | Fracture toughness, Fatigue crack growth, Delamination, Thin film |
2007 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Strain Based Design of High Strength Pipelines | Strain-based design, Tensile strain limits, Girth welds, ECA, Fracture mechanics, Pipeline |
2007 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | The Role of Anisotropy, Toughness Transferability, and Weld Misalignment in the Strain Based Design of Pipelines | Strain-based design, Tensile strain capacity, Compressive strain capacity, TMCP steels, anisotropy, Toughness transferability, Misalignment, Fracture mechanics, Pipeline |
2007 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Effects of Hard Phase Size on Microhardness Measurement and Implication on Line Pipe and Weld Property Specifications | Microhardness, Vickers hardness |
2007 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Advanced Modeling of Plasticity of Linepipe Steels with Anisotropic Texture and Complex Loading History | Linepipe integrity, Anisotropy, Taylor’s crystal plasticity, Reel-lay |
2007 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Strain-Based Design of Pipelines | Strain-based design, Tensile strain capacity, Compressive strain capacity, ECA, High strength steel, Anisotropy, Pipeline |
2007 | Yaoshan Chen, Yong-Yi Wang | Microstructure Modeling of HAZ Softening in Microalloyed High Strength Linepipe Steels | Heat-affected zone (HAZ), Grain size, TMCP steels, HAZ softening, Microhardness |
2007 | Ming Liu, Yong-Yi Wang | Apparent Fracture Toughness from Constraint Considerations and Direct Testing | Fitness-for-service, Constraint, ECA, Pipeline, Ductile fracture, Fracture mechanics, Strain-based design |
2007 | Ming Liu, Yong-Yi Wang | Significance of Biaxial Stress on the Strain Concentration and Crack Driving Force in Pipeline Girth Welds with Softened HAZ | Heat-affected zone (HAZ), HAZ softening, Girth weld integrity, Crack driving force, Tensile strain limit (capacity), Strain-based design (SBD), Bi-axial stress, Material anisotropy, Pipeline |
2006 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu, Yaoshan Chen | Effects of Geometry, Temperature, and Test Procedure on Reported Failure Strains from Simulated Wide Plate Tests | Pipeline, Strain-based design, Tensile strain limit, Wide plate test, Test procedure, Cold test |
2006 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Interaction of Characteristic Mechanical Properties and Mechanics in the Evaluation of Weld Integrity of High Strength Linepipes | Pipeline, Linepipe materials, Welding process, High-strength steel |
2006 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | A Quantitative Approach to Tensile Strain Capacity of Pipelines | Pipeline, Strain-based design, Tensile strain limit, Girth weld, Weld defect acceptance criteria |
2006 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | A Tiered Approach to Girth Weld Defect Acceptance Criteria for Stress-Based Design of Pipelines | Pipeline, Girth weld, ECA, Fitness-for-service, Defect acceptance criteria, Plastic collapse |
2006 | Yong-Yi Wang | Low-Constraint Testing of Pipeline Girth Welds | |
2006 | Yaoshan Chen, Yong-Yi Wang | An Updated Cooling Rate and Microstructure Model for Pipeline in-Service Hot-Tap Welds | Cooling rate, Hot-tapping, In-service welding, Microstructure |
2006 | Ming Liu, Yong-Yi Wang | Weld Integrity from the Perspective of Strain-Based Design of Large Diameter and High Strength Pipelines | Pipeline, High Strength Steel, Strain-Based Design, Welding, Weld Integrity |
2006 | Ming Liu, Yong-Yi Wang | Modeling of Anisotropy of TMCP and UOE Linepipes | Linepipe steels, UOE, Anisotropic hardening, Kinematic hardening, Buckling resistance |
2006 | Ming Liu, Yong-Yi Wang | Low-Constraint Back-Bend Test of High Strength Steels: Crack Driving Force Calibration | Low-constraint, Back-bend, Slip-line fracture mechanics, CTOD |
2006 | Ming Liu, Yong-Yi Wang | Applying Gurson Type of Damage Models to Low Constraint Tests of High Strength Steels and Welds | Low-constraint, Back-bend, Wide plate, GTN model, CTOD |
2006 | Bo Wang | Simulation of Fatigue Crack Growth at Plastically Mismatched Bi-Material Interfaces | Crack branching and bifurcation, Crack propagation and arrest, Crack tip plasticity, Crack mechanics, Layered material |
2006 | Bo Wang | A Computational Analysis of Size Effects in Fatigue Failure, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering | Size effects, Cohesive zone model, Fatigue crack growth |
2005 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Some Aspects of Material and Welding Specifications for Strain-Based Design of Pipelines | Pipeline, Strain-based design, Tensile strain capacity, Linepipe specification, Welding procedure qualification |
2005 | Yong-Yi Wang | Tensile Strain Limits and Material Specifications for Strain-Based Design of Pipelines | Pipeline, Strain-based design, Tensile strain capacity, Linepipe specification, Welding procedure qualification |
2005 | Ming Liu, Yong-Yi Wang | Significance of HAZ Softening on Strain Concentration and Crack Driving Force in Pipeline Girth Welds | Heat-affected zone (HAZ), HAZ softening, Girth weld integrity, Crack driving force, Tensile strain limit (capacity), Strain-based design (SBD), Pipeline |
2005 | Bo Wang | Numerical Simulation of Constraint Effects in Fatigue Crack Growth | Cohesive zone model, Fatigue crack growth, Cyclic loading, Constraint, Multilayer structures |
2005 | Bo Wang | A numerical analysis of constraint effects in fatigue crack growth by use of an irreversible cohesive zone model | Cohesive zone model, Constraint, Cyclic loading, Fatigue crack growth, Multilayer structures |
2004 | Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu | Application of Constraint-Sensitive Fracture Mechanics to the Assessment of Girth Weld Integrity | ECA, Fitness-for-service, Constraint, Fracture mechanics, Ductile fracture, Brittle fracture, Pipeline |
2004 | Yong-Yi Wang | Weldability of High Strength and Enhanced Hardenability Steels | High strength linepipe, Weldability, Hydrogen assisted cracking (HAC), Hardenability |
2004 | Yong-Yi Wang | Weld Microstructure and Hardness Prediction for In-Service Hot-Tap Welds | Welding, Cooling rate, Hardness, Microstructure |
2004 | Yong-Yi Wang | Tensile Strain Limits of Buried Defects in Pipeline Girth Welds | Pipeline, Strain-based design, Strain limit, Girth weld, ECA, Fitness-for-service, Defect acceptance criteria, Buried defect, Finite element analysis |
2002 | Yong-Yi Wang | Determination of the Region of Steady-State Crack Growth from Impact Tests | Fracture (Materials), Impact testing, Steady state |
2002 | Yong-Yi Wang | Investigation into the Use of a Single Specimen for the Determination of Dynamic Steady State Propagation Resistance in High Toughness Line-Pipe Steels | Pipeline, Fracture arrest, Crack propagation |
2002 | Yong-Yi Wang | Development of a Procedure for the Calculation of J-R Curves From Pressed-Notch Drop Weight Tear Test Specimens | Fracture mechanics, J-R curves, Fracture resistance, Drop-weight-tear test |
2002 | Yong-Yi Wang | A Preliminary Strain-Based Design Criterion for Pipeline Girth Welds | Pipeline, Strain-based design, Girth weld, Toughness, Constraint effects |
2002 | Yong-Yi Wang | Girth Weld ECA from the Perspective of Code Revisions in North America | Pipeline, Girth weld, Flaw acceptance criteria, Workmanship, ECA, API 1104, CSA Z662 |
2002 | Yong-Yi Wang | Development of a FAD-Based Girth Weld ECA Procedure: Part I — Theoretical Framework | Pipeline, Girth weld, Flaw acceptance criteria, Fitness-for-service, Fracture mechanics |
2002 | Yong-Yi Wang | Development of a FAD-Based Girth Weld ECA Procedure: Part II — Experimental Verification | Pipeline, Girth weld, Flaw acceptance criteria, Fitness-for-service, Experimental test |
1993 | Yong-Yi Wang | On the Two-Parameter Characterization of Elastic-Plastic Crack-Front Fields in Surface-Cracked Plates | Crack-tip constraint, T-stress, Two-parameter characterization, J-dominance, Surface cracked plates, Three-dimensional, Finite element analysis |
1992 | Yong-Yi Wang | Evaluation of the Elastic T-Stress in Surface-Cracked Plates Using the Line-Spring Method | Fracture mechanics, Constraint, T-stress, Two-parameter characterization, Crack-tip fields |
1991 | Yong-Yi Wang | Elastic-Plastic Deformation in Surface-Cracked Plates: Experiment and Numerical Analysis | Fracture mechanics, surface cracks, numerical analysis, experimental test |