Center for Reliable Energy Systems

Publications authored by CRES Staff

YearAuthorsTitle – Click to download AbstractKeywords
2024Yong-Yi Wang, Dan Jia, Banglin Liu, Dave WarmanResponses of Pipelines Impacted by Geohazards and Effective Integrity Management StrategiesAIM-CI-2024-119506, pipelines, geohazards, integrity management
2023Dave Warman, Dan Jia, Yong-Yi Wang, Michael Bongiovi, Chad DestigterRoom Temperature Time Dependent Creep Behavior of Low Frequency ERW Pipe Seams and Implications on Managing Pressure Reversals in Hydrostatic Tests,PPIM 2023, vintage pipeline, low frequency ERW, cold weld, hook crack, pressure reversal, creep
2022Yong-Yi Wang, Dan JiaManaging Standards with Evolving Industry Practice – Lessons Learned from Girth Weld Failures in Newly Constructed PipelinesTFAP 2022; Pipeline, standards, new and ageing pipelines, girth weld failures
2022Yong-Yi Wang, Brian Leis, Steve Rapp, Gary VervakeUnderstanding Principal Drivers to Burst Pressure and Local Deformation of Pipes with SCC ColoniesIPC2022-87338; SCC, burst pressure prediction, burst pressure models, flaw interaction rules, bulge at SCC, effects of longitudinal/axial loads
2022Yong-Yi Wang, Bo Wang, Banglin LiuBurst Pressure Prediction of Pipes with SCC Using Intelligent Flaw Interaction RulesPPIM 2022; stress-corrosion cracking, burst pressure prediction, flaw interaction rules, SCC cluster, burst tests
2022Yong-Yi Wang, Banglin Liu, Patrick FleckStrain-Based Design and Assessment of New and Ageing PipelinesTFAP 2022, Pipeline, integrity, strain-based design and assessment, strain-based assessment, strain demand, strain capacity, tensile strain models, geohazard
2022Marie Quintana, Sam Phillips, Dan Jia, Jiawei Wang, Yong-Yi WangSelf-Shielded Flux-Cored Arc Welding – Practical Approaches for Improved Performance of Girth Welds in High-Strength PipelinesIPC2022-87290; FCAW-S, SMAW, pipeline girth welds, weld toughness, welding practices, HAZ softening, strength mismatch
2022Ishikawa, N., Sakimoto, T., Shimamura, J., Wang, J., and Wang, Y.-Y.Integrity Assessment of Linepipes for Transporting High Pressure Hydrogen Based on ASME B31.12IPC2022-87180, High pressure gaseous hydrogen; linepipe steel; fatigue crack growth; fracture toughness; FAD analysis
2022Dave Warman, Dan Jia, Yong-Yi Wang, Bongiovi Michael, Stigter CMeasurement of Flaw Growth in Electric Resistance Welded Pipe Seams from Multiple Pressure Tests and Hold Time and Implications on Managing Pressure Reversals in Hydrostatic TestsIPC2022-87067, vintage pipeline, low frequency ERW, cold weld, hook crack, pressure reversal, time dependent creep
2022Brian Leis, Yong-Yi Wang, Amin Eshraghi, Steve Rapp, Gary VervakeThe Practical Benefits of Detailed Forensic AnalysisIPC2022-87028, SCC, hydrotest, forensic analysis, predictive
technology, cracking speed, mitigate, dormancy.
2022Banglin Liu, Yong-Yi Wang, and Xiaotong ChenApplication of Strain Based Assessment in Support of Operational and Mitigation DecisionsIPC2022-87337, Geohazards, ground movements, strain-based assessment, SBA, fitness-for-service assessment, strain demand, strain capacity
2020Yong-Yi Wang, Dunji YuStructured Response Plan after a Ground Movement EventGeohazards, Landslides, Settlement, Emergency response plan, Integrity management, Fitness-for-service assessment, Strain-based assessment
2020Yong-Yi Wang, Dan JiaImproved Linepipe Specifications and Welding Practice for Resilient PipelinesGirth weld incident, Strain capacity, Linepipe specifications, HAZ softening, Girth welding, Welding procedure qualification
2020Yong-Yi WangManagement of Ground Movement Hazards – an Overview of a JIPGeohazards, Landslides, Settlement, Integrity management, Fitness-for-service assessment, Strain-based assessment, Strain demand, Strain capacity
2020Jiawei Wang, Yong-Yi WangDevelopment of Lifting and Lowering-in Plan for the Control of Construction StressesPipe laying, Lifting and lowering-in, Construction stress, Stress analysis, Lifting and lowering-in plan
2020Dunji Yu, Yong-Yi Wang, Xiaotong Chen, Banglin LiuA Review of Pipe-soil Interaction Models for Strain Demand EstimationPipe-soil interaction, Strain demand, Geohazard
2020Dan Jia, Yong-Yi WangMaterial Properties and Flaw Characteristics of Vintage Girth WeldsVintage pipeline, Girth weld, Material properties, Weld flaws, Non-destructive testing 
2020Bo Wang, Banglin Liu, Yong-Yi Wang, Alex WangBurst Pressure Prediction of Pipes With SCC Colonies – Development of Intelligent Flaw Interaction RulesStress-corrosion cracking, Flaw interaction rules, Burst pressure prediction, Crack cluster
2020Bo Wang, Banglin Liu, Yong-Yi Wang, Alex WangBurst Pressure Prediction of Pipes With SCC Colonies – Evaluation of Intelligent Flaw Interaction Rules Using Full-Scale Burst TestsStress-corrosion cracking, Flaw interaction rules, Burst pressure prediction, Crack cluster, Burst tests
2020Bo Wang, Banglin Liu, Yong-Yi WangEstimation of Tensile Strain Capacity of Vintage Girth WeldsEngineering assessments, Integrity management, Properties of girth welds, Strain based design, Tensile strain capacity, Vintage pipelines
2020Banglin Liu, Yong-Yi Wang, Xiaotong ChenEffects of Biaxial Loading on the Tensile Strain Capacity of Girth Welds with Weld Strength Undermatching and HAZ SofteningEngineering assessments, HAZ softening, Integrity management, Properties of girth welds, Strain based design, Tensile strain capacity, Weld qualification
2020Banglin Liu, Yong-Yi Wang, Dan JiaRational Limits of High-low Misalignment in Girth WeldsConstruction, Engineering assessments, Flaw acceptance criteria, High-low misalignment
2019Yong-Yi Wang, Dan Jia, Jiawei Wang, Aditya DekhaneApplication of Essential Welding Variable Methodology in Addressing Low Girth Weld Strain Capacity Issues and Path to Standard RevisionGirth welding procedure qualification, Essential variables, Girth weld strain capacity, HAZ softening, Standard revision
2019Yong-Yi Wang, Dan JiaIntegrated Hazards Management and Fitness-for-service Assessment for Integrity Management of Pipelines Subjected to GeohazardsLinepipe, Modern microalloyed steels, Strain hardening, Hardenability, HAZ softening, Girth weld failures, Strain capacity
2019Yong-Yi Wang, Dan JiaLow Strain Capacity Girth Welds in Newly Constructed Pipelines and Their Implications in Integrity ManagementLinepipe, Modern microalloyed steels, Girth weld incident, Girth welding, HAZ softening, Weld strength undermatching, Strain capacity, Standards revision, Systematic approach
2019Yong-Yi Wang, Dan JiaLow Strain Capacity Girth Welds of Newly Constructed Pipelines and Mitigative ApproachesLinepipe, Modern microalloyed steels, Girth weld incident girth welding, HAZ softening, Weld strength undermatching, Strain capacity, Standards revision, Systematic approach
2019Yong-Yi Wang, Bo Wang, Banglin Liu, Dan JiaStrain Capacity of Vintage Girth Welds and Integrity Management ProcessVintage pipelines, Girth weld strain capacity, Integrity management
2019Yong-Yi Wang, Banglin Liu, Bo WangTensile Strain Models and Their ApplicationsPipeline, Strain-based design and assessment (SBDA), Tensile strain models, Applications of SBDA
2019Yong-Yi WangStrain-Based Design and Assessment – Concepts and GapsStrain-based design, Strain-based assessment, Strain demand, Tensile strain capacity, Compressive strain capacity, Loading modes, Failure modes under tension, Gaps in SBDA
2018Yong-Yi WangLow Strain Capacity of X70 Pipeline Girth Welds and its Implications on Linepipe SteelsLinepipe properties, Strain hardening, Hardenability, Girth weld, HAZ softening, Strain capacity
2018Yong-Yi WangAttributes of Modern Linepipes and Their Implications on Girth Weld Strain CapacityLinepipe, modern microalloyed steels, strain hardening, hardenability, HAZ softening, girth weld failures, strain capacity
2018Honggang Zhou, Yong-Yi WangBurst Pressure of Wrinkles under High Longitudinal StrainWinkles, Burst pressure, High longitudinal strain, Biaxial loading conditions
2018Honggang Zhou, Yong-Yi WangBurst Pressure of Pipelines with Corrosion Anomalies under High Longitudinal StrainsCorrosion, High longitudinal compressive strains, Burst pressure, Assessment guidelines
2018Honggang Zhou, Yong-Yi WangTensile and Compressive Strain Capacity in the Presence of Corrosion AnomaliesStrain-based design and assessment, Corrosion, TSC, CSC, Assessment guidelines
2018Bo Wang, Yong-Yi WangAssessment of Dents under High Longitudinal StrainPlain dent, CSC, Guidelines, CSC assessment
2017Yong-Yi Wang, Kunal Kotian, Dan Jia, Alex WangEssential Welding Variable Methodology for the Welding of Modern Control-Rolled Microalloyed LinepipesGirth welding procedure qualification, Essential variables, Cooling rate, Girth welding thermal analysis
2017Yong-Yi Wang, Bo Wang, Banglin LiuImplications of Linepipe Steels with Low Strain Hardening and HAZ Softening on Design, Construction, and MaintenanceLinepipe properties, Strain hardening, Assessment of corrosion, Field cold-bends, Welding, HAZ softening, Strain capacity
2016Yong-Yi WangLongitudinal Stress Limits in Managing Spans and Other Longitudinal LoadsPipeline integrity, Longitudinal stress limits, Spans, Girth weld integrity
2016Yong-Yi WangEvolution of Linepipe Manufacturing and its Implications on Weld Properties and Pipeline ServiceLinepipe, Modern microalloyed steels, Vintage pipelines, Girth weld, HAZ softening, Strain capacity
2016Yong-Yi WangIntegrity Management of Ground Movement HazardsGround movement, Geohazards, Integrity management, Fitness-for-service assessment, Strain-based design and assessment
2016Ming Liu, Yong-Yi WangIntegrity Assessment of Post-Peak-Moment WrinklesPipeline integrity, Post-peak-moment wrinkles, Leak, Rupture, Fatigue life
2016Kunal Kotian, Yong-Yi WangMaterial Properties and Flaw Characteristics of Vintage Girth WeldsVintage pipeline, Girth weld, Non-destructive testing, Weld flaw, Material properties, Apparent toughness, CTODA
2016Aditya Dekhane, Alex Wang, Yong-Yi WangApplication of Thermal Analysis Tool for Girth Welding Procedure QualificationWelding, Thermal analysis, EWVM
2015Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu, Aditya DekhaneIntegrity Management of Pipelines Subjected to Ground Movement HazardsGround movement hazards, Strain-based assessment, Fitness-for-service assessment, In-service pipelines
2015Yong-Yi Wang, Aditya DekhaneEssential Welding Variable Methodology and its ApplicationWelding, EWVM, Welding procedure
2015Ming Liu, Cody Degen, Yong-Yi WangMulti-scale ductile fracture modeling for dual-phase high strength steel – Part 1: characterization of dual-phase high strength steel for improved toughness and deformabilityBainite, MA, Dual-phase steel, Stress-strain curve, Y/T ratio, Charpy absorbed energy, Ductile crack initiation, Void nucleation and growth
2015Ming Liu, Cody Degen, Yong-Yi WangMulti-scale ductile fracture modeling for dual-phase high strength steel – Part 2: damage mechanics analysis of Charpy impact toughness of dual-phase high strength steelBainite, MA, Dual-phase steel, Stress-strain curve, Y/T ratio, Charpy energy, Ductile crack initiation, Void nucleation and growth, Damage mechanics, Finite element analysis, GTN models
2014Yong-Yi Wang, Yaoshan ChenEnhancing Tensile Strain Capacity Through the Optimization of Weld ProfilesPipeline, Strain-based design and assessment (SBDA), Girth weld integrity, Tensile strain capacity
2014Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuGeneral framework for Strain-Based Design and Assessment of PipelinesPipeline integrity, Strain-based design and assessment (SBDA), Strain demand, Strain capacity
2014Yong-Yi Wang, Kunal KotianEffects of High-Low Misalignment on Girth Weld IntegrityGirth weld, High-low misalignment, Load capacity, Strain capacity, Weld strength mismatch
2014Yong-Yi WangGuidelines for interpretation and application of API standard 1104Guidelines for interpretation, Codes and standards, API Standard 1104
2014Yong-Yi WangCurved-Wide Plate Testing of X100 Girth WeldsCurved wide plate tests, Test protocols, X100, Girth welds
2014Yaoshan Chen, Yong-Yi WangThe Essential Welding Variable Approach and its Application to the Welding of X80 Line Pipe SteelsX80, Welding, Pipeline, Essential welding variables, Welding procedure development
2014Yaoshan Chen, Ming LiuComparative Integrity Evaluation of Counterbore-Tapered and Back-Beveled Weld JointsTransition weld, Pipeline integrity, Back-bevel, Counterbore tapered
2014Yaoshan ChenThe Essential Welding Variable Methodology and Its Application in Welding Procedure Development for Mechanized Girth Welds of X100 Line PipesX100, welding, Pipeline, Essential welding variables, Welding procedure development
2014Yaoshan ChenSummary of An ASME/DOT Project on Measurements of Fatigue Crack Growth Rate of Pipeline Steels in Gaseous Hydrogen
2014Ming Liu, Fan Zhang, Kunal KotianRefined Modeling Processes and Compressive Strain Capacity ModelsPipeline, Strain-based design, SBD, Compressive strain capacity, Compressive strain limit, Buckling, Wrinkle
2014Honggang Zhou, Ming Liu, Yong-Yi WangConsiderations on the Use of the Pneumatic Hammer for HDD Pull-Back AssistancePipeline, Trenchless construction, HDD, Ramming, Impact, Stress wave
2014Fan Zhang, Yong-Yi WangAssessing the Seismic Wave Influence on Buried Pipelines with ASCE Soil-Spring ModelSeismic Wave, ASCE Soil-Spring Models, Buried Pipeline
2014Fan Zhang, Ming Liu, Yong-Yi WangPipeline Integrity Analyses for Construction in Mountainous AreasPipeline Construction, Stress Demand, Tie-in Welding, Hydrostatic Testing, Ratcheting, Upheaval buckling
2014Fan Zhang, Ming Liu, Yong-Yi WangStress Analysis of Lifting and Lowering-In ProcessPipeline, Construction, Lifting and lowering-in, Stress, Finite element analysis
2014Fan Zhang, Ming Liu, Kunal KotianApplication of compressive strain capacity models to multiple grades of pipelinesPipeline, Strain-based design, SBD, Compressive strain capacity, Compressive strain limit, Buckling, Wrinkle
2013Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu, Fan ZhangRefined Compressive Strain Capacity ModelsPipeline, Strain-based design and assessment, Compressive strain capacity models
2013Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuReal World Considerations for Strain-Based Design and AssessmentPipeline, Strain-based design and assessment
2013Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuStatus and Applications of Tensile Strain Capacity ModelsPipeline, Strain-based design and assessment (SBDA), Tensile strain models, Applications of SBDA
2013Yong-Yi Wang, Honggang Zhou, Ming LiuMethodology for the Assessment of Girth Weld High-Low MisalignmentGirth weld, High-low misalignment, Load capacity, Strain capacity, Weld strength mismatch
2013Yong-Yi WangAssessment of Vintage Girth Welds and Challenges to ILI ToolsPipeline, Integrity management, Vintage girth weld, Fitness-for-service, In-line inspection, ILI tools
2012Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu, Fan ZhangMulti-Tier Tensile Strain Models for Strain-Based Design Part 1 – Fundamental BasisPipeline, Strain-based design, Girth weld integrity
2012Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuRecommended ITP for The Quality Assurance of Skelp-End Welds in Spiral PipesPipeline construction, Linepipe specification, Spiral pipe, Skelp-end weld
2012Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuFitness-For-Service Analysis of Skelp-End Welds in Spiral PipesFitness for Service, Skelp-End Weld, Spiral Pipe
2012Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuTensile Strain Capacity of Spiral PipesStrain-based design, Tensile strain capacity, Spiral pipe
2012Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuMulti-Tier Tensile Strain Models for Strain-Based Design Part 2 – Development and Formulation of Tensile Strain Capacity ModelsStrain-based design, Tensile strain capacity, Tensile strain models, Crack driving force, Crack tip opening displacement (CTOD)
2012Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuMulti-Tier Tensile Strain Models for Strain-Based Design Part 3 – Model Evaluation Against Experimental DataStrain-based design, Tensile strain capacity, Full-scale test, Curved wide plate test, TSC model evaluation
2012Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuTensile Strain Models for Strain-Based Design of PipelinesPipeline, Strain-based design, Girth weld, Toughness, Tensile strain design
2012Yong-Yi Wang, Fan Zhang, Ming LiuTensile Strain Capacity of X80 and X100 WeldsPipeline, Strain-based design, SBD, Tensile strain capacity, Tensile strain limit, Fracture mechanics, Ductile fracture
2012Fan Zhang, Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuIntegrity of Pipeline In Area Of Mine SubsidenceStrain Based Design, Strain Capacity, Pipeline Integrity
2012Fan Zhang, Honggang Zhou, Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuStrain Demand in Areas of Mine SubsidenceStrain Based Design, J Resistance Curve, CWP
2011Yong-Yi Wang, Yaoshan ChenHigh Integrity Welding of High Strength Steel PipelinesPipeline, Girth welding, Strength, Toughness
2011Yong-Yi Wang, Yaoshan ChenWelding and Weld Integrity Assessment of High Strength Steel PipelinesHigh strength steel pipeline, X100, Welding, Weld properties, Weld integrity
2011Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuStrain-Based Design of PipelinesStrain-based design, Tensile strain capacity, High strength pipelines, Fracture mechanics
2010Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuEnhanced Apparent Toughness Approach to Tensile Strain DesignPipeline, Girth weld, Strain-based design, Tensile strain capacity, Apparent toughness, Tearing resistance curve
2010Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuConsiderations of Linepipe and Girth Weld Tensile Properties for Strain-Based Design of PipelinesPipeline construction, Linepipe specification, Strain-based design, Tensile property, Girth weld strength
2010Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuPerspectives of Girth Weld Tensile Strain ResponsePipeline, Strain-based design, Tensile strain capacity, Girth weld
2010Yong-Yi WangMechanical Properties and Microstructure of Weld Metal and HAZ Regions in X100 Single and Dual Torch Girth WeldsPipeline, High-strength steel, Girth weld, Microstructure, Tensile property, Weld metal, HAZ
2010Yong-Yi WangToughness Considerations for Strain-Based DesignPipeline, Strain-based design, Girth weld, Toughness, Constraint effects
2010Yong-Yi WangLarge Scale Experimental Data for Improved Strain-Based Design ModelsPipeline, Strain-based design, Curved-wide plate, Full-scale test, Tensile strain capacity
2010Yong-Yi WangSE(T) Testing of Pipeline WeldsPipeline welds, SE(T), Low-constraint testing, Resistance curve, Toughness transition
2010Yong-Yi WangEffect of Strain Ageing on Yield Strength and Post Yield Behavior of FCAW-G Ferritic Weld MetalWeld metal, strain ageing, Charpy energy, weld strength
2010Yaoshan Chen, Yong-Yi WangSimulation of Microstructure Evolution and Its Experimental Verifications for Girth Welds in High-Strength PipelinesPipeline, Girth weld, P-GMAW, Hardness microstructure
2010Yaoshan Chen, Yong-Yi WangThermal Simulation and its Experimental Verifications for Girth Welds in High-Strength PipelinesHeat transfer, GMAW, Girth weld, High-strength steels
2010Bo Wang, Yong-Yi WangFatigue Pre-Cracking Curved Wide Plates in BendingPipeline, Curved wide plate, Large-scale testing, Surface notch, Fatigue pre-cracking
2009Yong-Yi Wang, Yaoshan ChenWelding and Weld Integrity Assessment of High Strength Steel PipelinesGMAW, Heat transfer, Microstructure, Girth weld, High-strength steel
2009Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuRecent Development in Strain-Based Design in North AmericaStrain-based design, Tensile strain capacity, Fracture mechanics, Ductile fracture, Pipeline
2009Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuRecent Developments in the Strain-Based Design of PipelinesPipeline, Strain-based design, Welding, Girth weld, Experimental test
2009Yong-Yi WangAn Experimental Basis for Improved Strain-based Design ModelsPipeline, Girth welds, Strain capacity, Strain-based design, Large-scale test, Curved wide plate test, Biaxial loading
2009Yaoshan Chen, Yong-Yi WangThermal and Microstructure Analysis Software for GMAW Girth Welds of High Strength PipelinesGMAW, Heat transfer, Microstructure, Girth weld, High-strength steel
2008Yong-Yi Wang, Yaoshan ChenNumerical Simulation of Weld Thermal History for Pulsed GMAW ProcessP-GMAW, Narrow groove, Heat transfer, Girth weld, Pipeline
2008Yong-Yi Wang, Yaoshan ChenModeling and CMOD Mapping of Surface-Craked Wide PlatesPipeline, Tensile strain capacity, Wide plate test, Test procedure
2008Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuStress Analysis of Pipe Lowering-In Process During ConstructionPipeline construction, Girth weld, ECA, Stress analysis, Sideboom, Lift capacity
2008Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuResponse of Pipelines under Fault CrossingStrain-based design, Strain demands, Fault crossing, Seismic design, Finite element
2008Yong-Yi WangPreliminary Analysis of Tensile Strain Capacity of Full-Scale Pipe Tests with Internal PressureStrain-based design, Tensile strain capacity, Fracture mechanics, Ductile fracture, Pipeline
2008Yong-Yi WangAnisotropic Behavior of X100 Pipeline SteelAnisotropy, Anisotropic Ratio, Pipeline, UOE, X100
2008Yaoshan Chen, Yong-Yi WangThermal and Microstructure Simulation of High Strength Pipeline Girth WeldsGMAW, Narrow groove, Heat transfer, Microstructure, Cooling time, Hardness, Finite element analysis
2008Yaoshan Chen, Yong-Yi WangThermal Modeling of Gas Metal Arc Girth Weld with Narrow GrooveGMAW, Narrow groove, Heat transfer, Microstructure, Cooling time, Hardness, Finite element analysis
2008Ming Liu, Yong-Yi WangWeld Integrity of High Strength Pipelines: From Construction to in-Service Large Displacement LoadingPipeline, Integrity, Construction, In-service loading, Ground movement
2008Bo WangA modified 4-point bend delamination testFracture toughness, Fatigue crack growth, Delamination, Thin film
2007Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuStrain Based Design of High Strength PipelinesStrain-based design, Tensile strain limits, Girth welds, ECA, Fracture mechanics, Pipeline
2007Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuThe Role of Anisotropy, Toughness Transferability, and Weld Misalignment in the Strain Based Design of PipelinesStrain-based design, Tensile strain capacity, Compressive strain capacity, TMCP steels, anisotropy, Toughness transferability, Misalignment, Fracture mechanics, Pipeline
2007Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuEffects of Hard Phase Size on Microhardness Measurement and Implication on Line Pipe and Weld Property SpecificationsMicrohardness, Vickers hardness
2007Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuAdvanced Modeling of Plasticity of Linepipe Steels with Anisotropic Texture and Complex Loading HistoryLinepipe integrity, Anisotropy, Taylor’s crystal plasticity, Reel-lay
2007Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuStrain-Based Design of PipelinesStrain-based design, Tensile strain capacity, Compressive strain capacity, ECA, High strength steel, Anisotropy, Pipeline
2007Yaoshan Chen, Yong-Yi WangMicrostructure Modeling of HAZ Softening in Microalloyed High Strength Linepipe SteelsHeat-affected zone (HAZ), Grain size, TMCP steels, HAZ softening, Microhardness
2007Ming Liu, Yong-Yi WangApparent Fracture Toughness from Constraint Considerations and Direct TestingFitness-for-service, Constraint, ECA, Pipeline, Ductile fracture, Fracture mechanics, Strain-based design
2007Ming Liu, Yong-Yi WangSignificance of Biaxial Stress on the Strain Concentration and Crack Driving Force in Pipeline Girth Welds with Softened HAZHeat-affected zone (HAZ), HAZ softening, Girth weld integrity, Crack driving force, Tensile strain limit (capacity), Strain-based design (SBD), Bi-axial stress, Material anisotropy, Pipeline
2006Yong-Yi Wang, Ming Liu, Yaoshan ChenEffects of Geometry, Temperature, and Test Procedure on Reported Failure Strains from Simulated Wide Plate TestsPipeline, Strain-based design, Tensile strain limit, Wide plate test, Test procedure, Cold test
2006Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuInteraction of Characteristic Mechanical Properties and Mechanics in the Evaluation of Weld Integrity of High Strength LinepipesPipeline, Linepipe materials, Welding process, High-strength steel
2006Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuA Quantitative Approach to Tensile Strain Capacity of PipelinesPipeline, Strain-based design, Tensile strain limit, Girth weld, Weld defect acceptance criteria
2006Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuA Tiered Approach to Girth Weld Defect Acceptance Criteria for Stress-Based Design of PipelinesPipeline, Girth weld, ECA, Fitness-for-service, Defect acceptance criteria, Plastic collapse
2006Yong-Yi WangLow-Constraint Testing of Pipeline Girth Welds
2006Yaoshan Chen, Yong-Yi WangAn Updated Cooling Rate and Microstructure Model for Pipeline in-Service Hot-Tap WeldsCooling rate, Hot-tapping, In-service welding, Microstructure
2006Ming Liu, Yong-Yi WangWeld Integrity from the Perspective of Strain-Based Design of Large Diameter and High Strength PipelinesPipeline, High Strength Steel, Strain-Based Design, Welding, Weld Integrity
2006Ming Liu, Yong-Yi WangModeling of Anisotropy of TMCP and UOE LinepipesLinepipe steels, UOE, Anisotropic hardening, Kinematic hardening, Buckling resistance
2006Ming Liu, Yong-Yi WangLow-Constraint Back-Bend Test of High Strength Steels: Crack Driving Force CalibrationLow-constraint, Back-bend, Slip-line fracture mechanics, CTOD
2006Ming Liu, Yong-Yi WangApplying Gurson Type of Damage Models to Low Constraint Tests of High Strength Steels and WeldsLow-constraint, Back-bend, Wide plate, GTN model, CTOD
2006Bo WangSimulation of Fatigue Crack Growth at Plastically Mismatched Bi-Material InterfacesCrack branching and bifurcation, Crack propagation and arrest, Crack tip plasticity, Crack mechanics, Layered material
2006Bo WangA Computational Analysis of Size Effects in Fatigue Failure, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and EngineeringSize effects, Cohesive zone model, Fatigue crack growth
2005Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuSome Aspects of Material and Welding Specifications for Strain-Based Design of PipelinesPipeline, Strain-based design, Tensile strain capacity, Linepipe specification, Welding procedure qualification
2005Yong-Yi WangTensile Strain Limits and Material Specifications for Strain-Based Design of PipelinesPipeline, Strain-based design, Tensile strain capacity, Linepipe specification, Welding procedure qualification
2005Ming Liu, Yong-Yi WangSignificance of HAZ Softening on Strain Concentration and Crack Driving Force in Pipeline Girth WeldsHeat-affected zone (HAZ), HAZ softening, Girth weld integrity, Crack driving force, Tensile strain limit (capacity), Strain-based design (SBD), Pipeline
2005Bo WangNumerical Simulation of Constraint Effects in Fatigue Crack GrowthCohesive zone model, Fatigue crack growth, Cyclic loading, Constraint, Multilayer structures
2005Bo WangA numerical analysis of constraint effects in fatigue crack growth by use of an irreversible cohesive zone modelCohesive zone model, Constraint, Cyclic loading, Fatigue crack growth, Multilayer structures
2004Yong-Yi Wang, Ming LiuApplication of Constraint-Sensitive Fracture Mechanics to the Assessment of Girth Weld IntegrityECA, Fitness-for-service, Constraint, Fracture mechanics, Ductile fracture, Brittle fracture, Pipeline
2004Yong-Yi WangWeldability of High Strength and Enhanced Hardenability SteelsHigh strength linepipe, Weldability, Hydrogen assisted cracking (HAC), Hardenability
2004Yong-Yi WangWeld Microstructure and Hardness Prediction for In-Service Hot-Tap WeldsWelding, Cooling rate, Hardness, Microstructure
2004Yong-Yi WangTensile Strain Limits of Buried Defects in Pipeline Girth WeldsPipeline, Strain-based design, Strain limit, Girth weld, ECA, Fitness-for-service, Defect acceptance criteria, Buried defect, Finite element analysis
2002Yong-Yi WangDetermination of the Region of Steady-State Crack Growth from Impact TestsFracture (Materials), Impact testing, Steady state
2002Yong-Yi WangInvestigation into the Use of a Single Specimen for the Determination of Dynamic Steady State Propagation Resistance in High Toughness Line-Pipe SteelsPipeline, Fracture arrest, Crack propagation
2002Yong-Yi WangDevelopment of a Procedure for the Calculation of J-R Curves From Pressed-Notch Drop Weight Tear Test SpecimensFracture mechanics, J-R curves, Fracture resistance, Drop-weight-tear test
2002Yong-Yi WangA Preliminary Strain-Based Design Criterion for Pipeline Girth WeldsPipeline, Strain-based design, Girth weld, Toughness, Constraint effects
2002Yong-Yi WangGirth Weld ECA from the Perspective of Code Revisions in North AmericaPipeline, Girth weld, Flaw acceptance criteria, Workmanship, ECA, API 1104, CSA Z662
2002Yong-Yi WangDevelopment of a FAD-Based Girth Weld ECA Procedure: Part I — Theoretical FrameworkPipeline, Girth weld, Flaw acceptance criteria, Fitness-for-service, Fracture mechanics
2002Yong-Yi WangDevelopment of a FAD-Based Girth Weld ECA Procedure: Part II — Experimental VerificationPipeline, Girth weld, Flaw acceptance criteria, Fitness-for-service, Experimental test
1993Yong-Yi WangOn the Two-Parameter Characterization of Elastic-Plastic Crack-Front Fields in Surface-Cracked PlatesCrack-tip constraint, T-stress, Two-parameter characterization, J-dominance, Surface cracked plates, Three-dimensional, Finite element analysis
1992Yong-Yi WangEvaluation of the Elastic T-Stress in Surface-Cracked Plates Using the Line-Spring MethodFracture mechanics, Constraint, T-stress, Two-parameter characterization, Crack-tip fields
1991Yong-Yi WangElastic-Plastic Deformation in Surface-Cracked Plates: Experiment and Numerical AnalysisFracture mechanics, surface cracks, numerical analysis, experimental test